Technology Transfer Guide

Patent activity in the areas of the Western Balkans (WB) is of very low intensity - the annual number of patent applications is very modest, so one can speak of a lack of patent culture. It is necessary to add to this finding that the main motivating factor in career development for researchers in WB is practically exclusively the publication of papers in scientific journals that are refereed in the WoS. That is why the appearance of this Guide is one of the pioneering steps in the promotion of inventiveness and, possibly, innovation that would be made by the commercialization of inventions that are the result of scientific work at Universities and Institutes, and which are protected by some form of intellectual property.
The author of this document, when writing the Guide, constantly had in mind the need to translate the intellectual capital of the science sector into a knowledge-based economy.
The guide is available at the following LINK and in the attachment of this article.
University of Donja Gorica
Oktoih 1, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro